Monday, August 01, 2005

How much Fun can u have with a Chocolate Willy

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is my fav film of all time and anyone you ask will tell u. I have now seen the new Charlie and the Chocolate factory (Note name change) movie twice this weekend. I have to say " I LOVE IT". I love the first one and i love this one.

I always said nothing would ever beat the first one and Gene Wilder was a Wonka legend but im afraid to say Depp has done the role proud and is strangly attactive, looking hypoxic and wearing purple latex free gloves (a medical link there for my medically minded readers).

The oompa loompas are quite scary and not as jaundice looking this time round but they still are all singing and all dancing but wear PVC outfits which is quite off putting.

It was so much truer to the book and everything that wasnt in the first was mentioned this time. I really liked the new scenes and the fact Wonka was not so mean and moody and more quirky and a little less dark.

I was so impressed if i wasnt on nightshift i would be going again tonight.

Right i am off now to snack on a Wonka Fudge Whipple Scrumdiddlyumtious Bar.........mmm mmm!