Saturday, August 06, 2005

Just another Saturday night!

I am going to tell you what happened to me on sat evening and i dont think you will believe me but i can gaurentee you everything i say is true.

To set the scene i live in a quiet culdesac that nothing ever happens in that was until this evening.

I was with my dad in the kitchen stripping wallpaper and we heard a smashing of glass but i thought it was someone pouring out there glass for recyling and my dad looked out the door and there was nothing there.

Then my brother came down and told us a van had crashed outside. So being nosey we went outside to find a white van wedged up against two cars in the car park opposite the back of my house.

As we walked along we found a large hole in the fence of our neighbour two doors up. The fence post had been pushed at least 2 foot back and the greenhouse had got a good part of the impact as well (hence the smashing glass noise).

One of the owners of the car came over and said he had called the police and the man had got out and he was "stoned".

The man in the white van was trying hard to get it started and revving it and it wasnt going anywhere as the radiator was leaking and it had 2 flat tyres. Well thats what we thought, it kept stallling until it sprung into life, he put it in reverse and started coming back towards where we were standing , then quickly started going forward and missed another car, done a big U shape and headed thru the gap in two parked cars, headed thru one garden, just missing the cherry tree and hitting the next house and stopping.

Their was a very shocked man cutting his grass and we later learned that he had just that moment sent his children in for their dinner.

I ran over to see everyone was ok that was my first thought but as i got there a saw the driver trying to jump the fence. So my first reaction was to grab him but i just missed him so i came back out the path and started to chase him,

Anybody that knows me knows im not the most athletic person but by god i ran and managed to catch up with him, remembering he was stoned and just got out of a crashed van. He decided to hide in a garden, i knew i wasnt alone because there was my dads friend shouting "get him L get him". We cornered him in the garden and thats when it hit home "what if he has a knife" or something.

He barged past us running and as he did i stuck out my foot and sent him flying at that point K (my friends dad) jumped on him and i grabbed his feet and we stayed there until the police arrived which was only a few minutes, in that time he was very apologetic and told us he wasnt driving!

They then took him away as he drove past us in the car he was sleeping unawares of what he had actually done.

In the aftermath of the incident we went back to look at the van and it had hit the gas box on the front of the house and there was gas leaking but no actual damage to the house. Not one person was hurt which was a miricle.

The fun part of the day was listening to everyones post accident analysis, some of my favorites were "i had visions of children being splattered""It could have been children like ten pins", the story was already growing arms and legs and it made life a little more exciting for some people.

When i was interviewed by the police they told me that he was going to get the book thrown at him and he still claims he wasnt driving...........Kids "dont do drugs" and adults "dont have nightmares now."

ps excuse the spelling its late