Monday, October 24, 2005


I love sleeping!

I dont really know why, it is really doing nothing. I like the feeling of being in my own bed and i love even more the feeling of not having to set your alarm clock. I always make my appointments to meet people in the afternoon as i like sleeping in. People know not to call me when they think i might be sleeping as there is not a hope in hell of waking me up.

I have some problems sleeping when:

1)I have finished my last night shift , i always get up at 1500 (or try to) and then go to bed after that night but i always sleep for about 17 hours on that sleep and get up at t time on sat and then cant get to sleep on sat night and end up sitting up till 0900 (as it was last night...well this morning actually) and have to get up early again so i can get to sleep on sunday night to go back to work on monday morning. Wasted weekend i have done nothing all weekend but sleep and eat. Well at least i dont spend money when i am sleeping.

2)When someone else is there, they invade my sleeping space and try and cuddle me. It gets to warm and they steal the covers. Even the purchasing of a new bed has not rectified this problem. I will admit i am grumpy and moany in the morning, really dont try and communicate with me, i need weetabix and my mail before i can talk to anyone.

I think in my CV i would put sleeping as one of my main interests/hobbies.

Can anyone beat 17.5 hours in one go with not one wake up or pee. Being ill or taking sleeping tablets doesnt count neither does being in a coma or drug induced sedation.