Thursday, November 17, 2005

Facts about nursing

  1. I dont wear a white dress
  2. I dont own Suspenders or a "cute" wee hat
  3. I dont call people i work with by their second name and prefixed with their title
  4. I have never had sex in the linen cupbord with a Dr
  5. My ward sister isnt a spinster old battleaxewho trained with Flo
  6. Iv never met Hattie Jacques
  7. Male nurses are not all gay
  8. Please do not base our workload on the amount of work Martin Platt does
  9. Charlie from casulty does not work in NRIE
  10. I do have a degree and earn less than a McDonalds manager
  11. I have never had a party in the Nurses Accomadation
  12. We dont eat dead patients meals
  13. We dont fancy the porters but they think we do
  14. Iv never had a wheelchair race
  15. We do enjoy eating takeaway in front of fasting patients
  16. Chocolates are like golddust and appreciated at all times
  17. We dont sleep all night on nightshift there is work to be done when patients are sleeping
  18. There are always emergancys as you are going off shift or on meal breaks, never in the middle.
  19. I dont have hospital corners on my bed at home (ask the drs!)
  20. I probably have MRSA and so do you so stop going on about it.