Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Right i have worked in A and E for a month now so i think i can call myself a Accident and emergency nurse. It is so very strange of an environment. You go in in the morning there are no patients no beds to be made, no one to be bed bathed, you take this time to study, do the cleaning rota or have teaching sessions for new people or the students.

You are told what side your working on either Majors or minors. I really like minors as you get to do loads of wee bits of first aid, slings, dressings, steri stripping but you also have to coordinate the folk away at xray and during the day you only have 2 rooms to do it in.

In majors you see everything thats not catagrised as a minor. Lots of abdo pain, chest pain, RTC, trauma (we are not meant to but we do see a wee bit that walks in off the street). Lots of it is basic observations, history taking and triage but also nursing care for the people not so capable and also lots of psychitric support.

If you work major side you get to work in resus which is where the very illest patients come into like cardiac arrest, uncontrolled cardiac problems and any unstable patients. These patients are usually transferred to the CCU or ITU or to other hospitals for specialised treatment.

This is where we get to do blue light transfers my first one i had to was with scotsmedicman and on my last one i saw trumaqueen driving past waving but i was going into resus and was trying to managing a dropping blood pressure so was flying by the seat of my pants and quite hysterical so didnt hang around to chat. Resus scares me as 1/3 of the patients we see are children or babies and they look so little in a massive resus and a massive trolly bed.

I still have to get my triage signed off, you need to do 20 supervised before you can do it yourself so that will be my plan soon.

Life is good, im on holiday this week and really not doing much any offers give me a shout.