Friday, December 09, 2005

Crimbo Night out

Oh it was the annual ward piss up yesterday night. We done it in style. With jam doughnuts and champagne.
I feel i only ever write my worst work experiences here and never tell u about all the lovely patients i meet and how kind they are to us.
Even familys of people who have had the worst news , lost a close family member and want to forget about us and get on with their lives. They still have time to give us a box of chocs or donate money to the ward funds or to our xmas nightout funds.
People are so kind. In their days of despare and grieving they think of us.
We are just doing our job, you dont give your bank manager a box of celebrations if he approves your loan or send the man who sold you your car £100 to take his staff for a drink. So why do people think we are any differant.Although im not complaining.
One of our patients found out it was nightout last night and phoned ahead of us and put 12 bottles of top class champagne on our table. I worked it out at about £400 all this for us.

People are amazingly thoughtful