Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mr Nobody

1015 Meet patient arriving thru the door with PTS ACA
1016 Show patient to toilet (missed that sign)
1020 Meet PTS ACA coming out of the room and hands me the paper work
1021 Go to see patient who is now in his chair and tell him his bed will be available soon
1021 Patient becomes unresposive no pain response ,shout for help, GCS 3 , emergancy buzzer pulled , airway open, no breathing,2 rescue breaths, no carotid pulse, Patient lower to floor (using the clothing grabbing mode of manual handling).
1022 Precordial thump by Spreg
1022 222 call put out
1022 Crash trolley is outside room , insert size 4 guedel, start bagging, spreg on compressions, SHOs get access , adrenaline given, no output , Leads attached,PEA.
1023 Another Spreg trys to find medical note to get a wee idea about who he is and why he is on the ward
1024 Sister goes to get the consultant
1025 Team arrives , more adrenaline and atropine
1025 3 minutes of CPR and still no output
1027 2 more minutes of CPR, no output, consultant arrives, review notes
1028 Consultant allows DNR status to be put in place due to prognosis
1029 Patient passes away
1030 Team leaves and i prepare patient for chapel of rest
1031 Consultant calls Patient GP to ask him inform his wife of what has happened

All in 16 minutes RIP