Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Festive Time as seen on scotsmedicman

I thought i would also give you all an update on the Christmas and new year offduty. I am working nights like the young scotsmedicman but i have managed to beat the system by careful planning. I am working nightshift (thats 1930 till 0800) on the 22nd,23rd and 24th and back on for 27th,28th and 29th. Also not having any little blighters of my own i dont mind working xmas to give the girls with them to have time off.
That means i have most of christmas and new year off (sshhh dont tell sister) but for my sterling work over the last few months i am being seconded to medicine of the elderly so plenty of winter vomiting virus patients and "dumps" (thats what bed managers call patients who are dumped by their family,GPs or nursing homes in acute hospital beds when the want to go on holiday or have a peaceful interuption free festive period) . So im expecting my acute nursing skills to be pushed to the edge and to learn a hell of a lot about general medicine.

Happy crimbo readers and a drunken new year
