Monday, July 03, 2006

I have been busy honest

Well iv have not blogged for a while as i have been busy working among other things

I have now completed my ILS course and can now manually defibrillate patients (only when they are in cardiac arrest thou). Im loving it "stand clear..........charging....shocking now". Im just waiting for the opportunity to make use my new found skills.

I also have now done may VAD course so i can access central lines, hickmans and Piccs. Not to exciting but very helpful.

We have been using larve on the ward and the SSN made the new student nurse hold the foot with them munching and crawling about in it and she has not been back on the ward since. Larve are amazing thou, if you can ever see them working its well worth it.

I have been on duty at the RHS and seen a few interesting casuties and met some new folk and the usual pensioners were there with their "Oxygen and Egg white" Theories and pre war first aid but also loads of interesting top upto date trained people. It was great to see things working well. It make me laugh how crazy people go for free things, you could get your arm ripped off for a copy of farmers gaurdian just because its free. I also cover the edinburgh moon walk which went well lots of hypothermia (well if you will walk during the night in only your bra) and blisters strains and sprains We lest before the ful moon came in so we let the ambulance service deal with them. (phew).

i need to sleep but i will post more when i wake up....