Sunday, July 09, 2006

Im in a bad mood

right i have just worked 3 longs days at work

Things that annoy me:

Relitives phoning me contantly asking how there mum is and when i ask who there mum is they get really pissed off like im there only there to look after one person

Lying Doctors

The phone ringing at all for pointless stupid things

Unannounced ward rounds

A ward thats hotter than the burns unit and a burst sewage pipe outside our treatment room window

Sheets from laundry with pubes on them

Imed pumps bleeping and patients buzzing to tell me like i cant hear it and im obviously busy thats why i didnt get it

patient selling out MS24s on ebay

Meeting that go on to long

relitives lying on beds and tuuting when you ask then to get off, stay on it if you like but dont blame me when you get something nasty.

bed managers opening bed but not getting more staff

Students nurses who obviously cant be bothered and constantly ask to go to the library, if you want to stay in the library become a fucking librarian.

Baulshy district nurses

A4C only because i dont understand it and everyone constantly talks about it

talking about babies

Good staff leaving

No pyjamas

Patients shouting as we dont have a wireless hotspot in the ward, they are lucky they even have a TV

the recruitment department as they are crap

The traffic light system.....really we dont have the time or willing to do it

i think thats it for now i will remember more